
The next stage of digitalization of the investment and construction process

Łukasz Łanoszka
Karolina Suchoń

At the end of April, the stage of public consultations on the bill amending the Construction Law ended. The changes concern, among others, e-Construction, which may make it easier for construction entrepreneurs to apply for permits.

The most important provisions of the bill provide for the possibility to keep a construction logbook and a building site book in an electronic form. In addition, the Construction Law is to include provisions creating and regulating the functioning of the e-Construction portal. The platform is to be used for electronic submission of, among others, applications and notifications.

It is also planned to create central registers maintained by an ICT system. The registers will include persons holding building qualifications (the so-called e-CRUB). Also, persons punished due to professional liability will be entered in the register. This solution is to replace the existing complicated procedures regulating the abovementioned systems and lead to an acceleration of the process of making entries.

The aforementioned changes constitute another stage of digitalization of the investment and construction process, thanks to which entitled persons will be able to perform certain activities in an electronic form. According to the information published on the Ministry’s website, the new regulations are to be introduced this year.

The draft prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Technology is only a minor correction of the two most important acts in the construction law. The changes will be made directly in the Construction Law (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1333, as amended) and in the Act on professional self-governments of architects and construction engineers. And their aim is to make work easier not only for entrepreneurs but also for officials who so far had to complete all the necessary documents.
The Foundation conducts legal publishing activities free of charge
Łukasz Lanoszka
Łukasz Łanoszka
+48 798 459 714
Karolina Suchoń

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