The e-Residency program offered by the Republic of Estonia provides simple and secure access to digital services, enabling the so-called ‘hand-off’ of various types of matters (relevant to entrepreneurs) via the Internet. After completing the qualification process, which we wrote about in the previous article, an entity interested in starting an e-Residency should register on the Marketplace – a digital environment dedicated to all e-Residents.
Estonian Marketplace – what is it and how it works?
Estoński Marketplace to platforma zrzeszająca wszystkie podmioty uprawnione do świadczenia usług z tytułu posiadania e-Rezydencji. Marketplace ma na celu dostarczenie podstawowych informacji o usługodawcach zarejestrowanych i świadczących usługi w tym środowisku cyfrowym. Warto podkreślić, iż usługodawcy obecni na Marketplace zostali wyselekcjonowani w oparciu o staranną analizę ich doświadczenia oraz wiedzy. Ma to na celu nie tylko kompleksowe wsparcie E-rezydentów w rozwoju ich biznesów, ale również w znaczący sposób ułatwia wybór właściwego dostawcy usług, sprofilowanych pod kątem potrzeb i wymagań użytkownika.
The Estonian Marketplace is a platform that brings together all entities entitled to provide e-Residency services. The Marketplace aims to provide basic information about service providers registered and providing services in this digital environment. It is worth noting that the service providers present in the Marketplace have been selected based on a careful analysis of their experience and knowledge. This not only aims to comprehensively support E-Residents in the development of their businesses but also significantly facilitates the selection of the right service provider, profiled according to the user’s needs and requirements.
How do I register my company on the Estonian Marketplace?
All applicants interested in joining the digital ecosystem of E-Residency must complete a detailed onboarding form containing information on:
- areas and scope of service provided,
- the specializations and limitations of the industry within which it operates,
- suggested rates for each type of service,
- target groups (recipients/customers),
Author of the photo: Getter Kuusmaa
The entity is also required to attach several annexes to the form, which will enable the team reviewing the applications to conduct detailed due diligence on the potential candidate:
- a certificate of Good Standing or its equivalent from the country in which the entity conducts business activity – this document is intended to confirm that the entity meets all formal and legal requirements for conducting business activity (under Polish legislation, it will be an extract from the KRS system),
- statement of no criminal record and/or certificate of no arrears in tax payments,
- (in the case of law firm registration) at least 3 references from legal entities to which the prospective service provider has advised on international tax regulations,
- company logo.
In addition, all potential service providers interested in registering on the Estonian Marketplace must read, accept and sign the ‘Code of Conduct and Marketing Guidelines.’ The registration criteria may seem restrictive, but they aim to ensure that all users of the digital e-Residency ecosystem receive services that are safe, reliable, and above all – high quality.
Register your company in another country!
The Law Firm of Marcin Wierzbicki and Michał Konieczny offers specialist legal advice on setting up a company outside the country. We are members of the Estonian e-Residency Program, expertly advising entities interested in registering or transferring a business to Estonia. We explain which form of business will be most beneficial for the client, explain problematic regulations, and indicate how long it will take to establish a business in the country. Feel free to contact us!