
A new tax preference for robotics: who is it for?

Łukasz Wieczorek
tax preference for robotics

After the IP BOX and the R&D tax preference, the time has come for a similar solution in terms of robotics. The purpose of the planned tax preference is to modernize Polish economy and improve Poland’s position on the international arena in the context of new technologies. The robotics tax preference is expected to come into effects in mid-2021, for a period of five years. However, there is still no bill of a law that would implement this innovative concept.

Under the robotics tax preference, PIT and CIT payers will be able to deduct from their tax base 50% of their eligible costs related to investments. Eligible costs include those concerning the purchase of software, the purchase or lease of new robots and cobots, the purchase of health and safety devices, and the purchase of equipment.

Interestingly, the costs of training seminars for employees who will operate the newly purchased devices will also be eligible for deduction.

The tax preference is intended for all enterprises, regardless of size or sector. This is a major step towards innovativeness and an opportunity for e.g. software developers to expand the scope of their activity.

As in the case of the R&D tax preference, the costs incurred on robotics will be possible for deduction already during the tax year.

The Polish Ministry of Development estimates that this five-year program of modernizing the economy will cost PLN 1.1 billion. It is expected that the new solution will increase the number of robots in Poland by 150%, also boosting productivity.

Works are also under way on introducing a tax preference with respect to prototypes, which enterprises could take advantage of at the stage of starting the production of new solutions. More details in this respect will be available in 2021.

Unfortunately, except for an interesting concept, no bills of laws that would implement the proposed solutions have been published yet. There is also no information whether taxpayers who decided to go with the so-called Estonian CIT will be eligible for this preference. The question of whether various instruments of support could be used simultaneously is one of the main things enterprises would like to know.

Are you interested in the tax preference for robotics? See more at https://www.gov.pl/.

You can also contact the lawyers at the Konieczny Wierzbicki Law Firm.

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