
All about IP. Training for students on intellectual property law

Paweł Syguła

In just two weeks, on December 2, our expert, Łukasz Wieczorek, will share his extensive knowledge of intellectual property law. The event will take place as part of the next (already the 13th) edition of a series of workshops for students.


Łukasz Wieczorek will try to touch upon the most important issues concerning contemporary intellectual property law. Our speaker will pay particular attention to changes in the changing world of new technology law. In addition, he will share his knowledge related to licensing and patents in the Polish and foreign markets.

The IT industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in Poland and the world. More and more startups are created based on the idea, which not only needs investors but also to secure property rights. The business world will more than once face the issues of deciding the profits from, among others, a piece of code (in the context of the whole algorithm). Therefore, increasing your legal awareness (along with your skills) will allow you to better respond to the needs of entrepreneurs.

We cordially invite all students to participate in the event. Here you can also read an interview with Łukasz Wieczorek conducted by the editors of IP Student.


IP Student is an annual series of workshops on intellectual property law and new technologies. It is organized by the Scientific Association of Intellectual Property Law Supporters at the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law and Administration in cooperation with K. Tusiński Attorneys at Law. The event involves many entities and specialists from all over Poland.


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