
Amendment to the law on the National Court Register favors entrepreneurs

Marta Wierzba

Changes regarding the use of digital tools and processes in company law – President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the National Court Register Act yesterday. The passed amendment introduces changes to the Commercial Companies Code that are important from the point of view of entrepreneurs.

Simpler registration of a company via the Internet

Already in early November 2022. The Sejm has adopted amendments by the Senate to the amendment on the National Court Register, aimed at simplifying the registration of a limited liability company online, increasing access to the data contained in the National Court Register, as well as expanding exchanges between commercial registers of European Union countries. The amendments align our country’s current regulations with the legal requirements of the European Parliament.

What are the most significant solutions, proposed in the amendment?

  • Facilitated registration of a limited liability company online (it will be possible to make settlements regarding payments for shares using a payment service over the Internet),
  • The submission of documents to the National Court Register will be facilitated, thanks to the inclusion of ready-made contract templates and information on company registration rules in the Public Information Bulletin on the Ministry of Justice’s website.
  • Easier access to National Court Register data also for foreign-language users, made available on the E-sprawiadliwość portal (also referred to as the Registry Integration System),
  • Expanded exchange between registries through the Registry Integration System.
    Comprehensive legal assistance in the company registration process

Despite the fact that the legislator is constantly striving to create an environment in our country that is favorable to future as well as current entrepreneurs, the proper registration of a company often requires the involvement of specialists with extensive experience in this field. The office of legal advisors Michal Konieczny and Marcin Wierzbicki provides professional assistance in establishing a company and guarantees its subsequent comprehensive legal service.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer!

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