
Another round of EUIPO grants for trademark registration launched

Łukasz Wieczorek

Among the benefits of registering a trademark are the regulation of brand ownership and increasing the prestige of the company. And from 1 May, there is also a reduction in costs.

As of May 1, 2021, a new window will start to apply for a grant to register a trademark. The project is aimed at companies registered in the EU. The condition is that you meet the criteria of the official SME definition. It is then possible to apply for a subsidy in the form of 50% reimbursement of costs related to the application for trademarks and industrial designs (up to EUR 1,500 per company).

The program is open to SME companies that intend to register a trademark or a design not only at the EU level (EUIPO, covering all EU member states) but also at the national level (Polish Patent Office). The application procedure includes three stages:

Applying with the documentation required to verify SME status and determine whether the application can be processed;

filing and paying for a trademark and/or a design;

filing a request for reimbursement.

Our law firm is experienced both in registering trademarks with the EUIPO and the Patent Office and in handling the grant program, and through our efforts, our first clients have already obtained funding from the fund.

Grants are awarded under The Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund program supported by the European Commission and EUIPO. The project was created to support European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in accessing their intellectual property rights. Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
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