
Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age – A draft report presenting the EU AI Action Plan

Michał Barwicki

On November 9, the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age (AIDA) presented a draft report that aims to present the EU’s AI action plan.


The document, with the rather generic title “Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age”, already marks the role set for AI at the outset. AI will have an impact in many areas, including increasing productivity, innovation, economic growth, and job creation. At the same time, however, the forthcoming report will highlight the risks associated with the use of AI. In particular, ethical and legal concerns are highlighted here. This is because artificial intelligence can be used to create non-human-controlled combat systems, spy on citizens, or over-collect data through technology platforms. The draft report also warns that the EU is currently behind in the global technology race. And this in turn will determine the future political and economic balance of power in the world.

Apart from that, the draft includes a recommended EU action plan for artificial intelligence and recommendations for ensuring a favorable regulatory environment. According to the document, the current regulatory framework, both in the EU and at the member state level, is too fragmented. Full harmonization of the law is therefore needed while maintaining the current human-centered approach to AI.

The above draft report, along with any amendments, will be voted on by the committee in March 2022. It will then be presented to the plenary of the European Parliament in May. Its conclusions will probably become a valuable contribution to the legislative work of the European Union in the field of artificial intelligence.


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