
Business judgement rule – limits to legitimate risk

Patrycja Pancerz

Business Judgement Rule is not a new concept, although not yet so popular on the Polish market. What is behind it? First of all, it raises the issue of liability for damage caused to the company by the decisions of its boards.

Why is this concept becoming so important nowadays? In a dynamically changing world, people in managerial or senior positions sometimes have to make risky decisions very quickly. Hence the proposal that their actions should not be judged based on success/failure, but from the perspective of the correctness of the decision.

Where do we most often encounter the Business Judgement Rule? How does it work in other European countries? And how is it regulated in Poland? You can find out the answers to these questions already on 28 April. Then our specialist, Paulina Opiełka, will take the rule apart and help you understand its principles.

During the webinar, she will discuss:

  • Liability of members of management and supervisory boards
  • Exclusion of liability for damage caused to the company

We invite you to participate!

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