- 18.12.2020
Konieczny Wierzbicki Law Firm supports Van der Vorm in another purchase of a package of apartments
Our lawyers supported one of our regular clients, the Dutch fund Van der Vorm, in negotiations with Nexity, a French property developer. The transaction…
- 15.12.2020
Clauses in an investment agreement: safeguard your interests!
The moment of executing an investment agreements is a milestone in the history of a start-up. At a certain stage, the founders of a…
- 09.12.2020
Our lawyers supported Ailleron in closing a PLN 111M deal
Michał Konieczny, Managing Partner, Paulina Opiełka, Attorney-at-Law, and Monika Kapijas, Attorney-at-Law, provided Ailleron, a leading supplier of state-of-the-art technological products and services, with advisory…
- 09.12.2020
The IP BOX in a nutshell
The IP BOX is a tax preference in force since 1 January 2019. Who can take advantage of it and when? What specific benefits…
- 04.12.2020
Double taxation of limited partnerships: how to get out of the problem
As of 1 January 2021, limited partnerships will be subject to CIT in Poland. This means that both the partnership and its partners will…
- 20.10.2020
Starting business in Poland for Belorussians: a guide
Are you planning to move your business from Belarus to Poland? Or maybe you would like to set up a company in the country…
- 12.09.2020
Personal data in the recruitment process
The legislator in the Labour Code directly indicates what personal data the employer may request during the recruitment process. The catalogue includes the first…