- 03.09.2021
Simple Joint Stock Company – only for startups?
The new regulation reforms the Polish Commercial Companies Code to an extent never seen before, implementing a foreign-inspired model of a private limited company…
- 31.08.2021
A month with the electronic National Court Register
On July 1, 2021, regulations introducing the digitization of the National Court Register became mandatory. Since then, all new matters related to the Register…
- 24.08.2021
Simple Joint Stock Company: which organizational model to choose?
In the international legal system, there are two basic models of a capital company’s organizational structure: a monistic model and a dualistic model. So…
- 13.08.2021
Simple Joint Stock Company vs. Limited Liability Company
Simple Joint Stock Company is supposed to become an attractive alternative for entrepreneurs operating in the sectors of innovation and new technologies. Among significant…
- 02.08.2021
Simple Joint Stock Company as a chance for entrepreneurs?
The possibility of registering a Simple Joint Stock Company has existed for only a month, but from the very beginning, it has enjoyed considerable…
- 28.06.2021
The most important solutions provided on the grounds of a simple joint-stock company
After further postponements, on July 1 this year, the regulations will finally come into force. It will introduce a new type of capital company…
- 20.05.2021
Due diligence: when is it worth doing?
There are rare occasions when due diligence is unnecessary from the perspective of an investor or rights buyer. The question should not be when…