Full digitization of the National Court Register is only a matter of time. Changes are coming up fast and their status has changed from merely a plan into regulations that are about to come into effect. Works on the laws amending the previous regulations took a while. However, the final effect should be at least satisfactory.
What is the purpose of this regulation?
The purpose of the works was to facilitate the existing system by means of its full digitization. The processes in this respect sped up last year, when online services were introduced. Currently, most administrative authorities provide their services remotely, we can handle formal affairs online, and the number of people using their Trusted Profiles is growing day by day.
The National Court Register and registry courts are to function in the same way. Quickly, efficiently, and digitally.
What will the new procedures look like?
The new law provides that all applications filed by enterprises with the National Court Register have to have an electronic form. These applications will have to be signed with a qualified e-signature or with a Trusted Profile. They will be filed via an ICT system. The electronic form will also be obligatory for the correspondence exchanged between the applicant and the relevant registry court.
When will the changes take effect?
The above changes were not introduced by the originally intended date. Initially, the amended regulations were to come into effect on 1 March 2021.
Currently, enterprises may expect for the full digitization of the National Court Register to go live on 1 July 2021.
On the one hand, the planned changes may seem revolutionary. On the other hand, however, we are sure they will greatly streamline all of the processes. Not only from the point of view of applicants, but also courts and other institutions.