
Great success of KWKR! Law firm awarded in as many as four categories of this year’s “Rzeczpospolita” ranking

Adrian Hulbój

The “Rzeczpospolita” ranking of law firms is one of the most important and prestigious industry events in our country. Yesterday there was a formal announcement of the results of the XXI. edition of the plebiscite. We are very pleased to announce that the ranking chapter appreciated the professionalism and skill of our lawyers, and KWKR was awarded in a total of 4 categories. Representatives of the law firm also won 4 individual awards. 

A rain of awards for KWKR!

The gala, during which the results of the festival were announced, took place yesterday, i.e. June 21, at 18:00 at the Verte Hotel in Warsaw. KWKR Law Firm was represented at the event by partner Mariusz Purgal.

The chapter of the plebiscite recognized 4 leading areas of our law firm’s legal practice. KWKR received honorable mention in the following categories:

  • Real Estate (1st degree distinction)
  • TMT (1st degree distinction)
  • Commercial, corporate, mergers and acquisitions law (2nd degree distinction)
  • Privacy and data protection (2nd degree honorable mention).

Thus, our law firm has further improved the already excellent result of 2022 – let us remind you that in last year’s poll of “Rzeczpospolita” we managed to win honorable mention in 4 categories.

KWKR lawyers were also awarded prestigious individual honors. The firm’s managing partner, Marcin Wierzbicki, once again won the much-talked-about title of Leader in “Real Estate Law.” The second of our managing partners, Michal Konieczny, was recommended in the “TMT” category, and partner Paulina Opiełka was recommended in the field of “Commercial, Corporate, M&A Law.” The same award was also given to partner Mariusz Purgal, recommended in the field of “Privacy and Personal Data Protection.”

KWKR’s high standing in the nationwide legal community

The results of the 21st edition of the “Rzeczpospolita” poll perfectly illustrate our development over the past year. KWKR maintained its high, fourth position in the list of the largest law firms in Małopolska. In turn, we recorded a significant promotion in the nationwide ranking – we were ranked 66th nationwide (last year we were ranked 73rd).

The above figures indicate that our law firm is striving to strengthen its position in the domestic and international legal market. KWKR is undertaking cooperation with an increasing number of specialists in various legal fields, which allows us to take on more confessions. It is worth mentioning here that 335 law firms and more than 6200 lawyers took part in this year’s “Rzeczpospolita” ranking. The fact that we managed to win numerous distinctions despite such high competition is an excellent testimony to the legal artistry represented by our law firm.

Finally, we wanted to thank all our clients and business partners. The trust you place in us every day allows us to constantly improve our skills, as evidenced by the numerous distinctions in the rankings.

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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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