
International acquisition of Software Mind in Virtual Mind with the help of KWKR

Paulina Opiełka

We again, supported our long-term client, Software Mind (Ailleron Group) in the process of acquisition of a foreign company operating on the IT market. This time Software Mind’s investment took place in Argentina and the United States. Our client acquired a majority stake in Virtual Mind – a company providing entrepreneurs with modern IT solutions.

For over 15 years Virtual Mind has been implementing projects for key clients in North America, such as Khoros, Naviga, Disco, Trio, Quik!, Reveal Markets, and Gopuff. The company offers innovative software, flexible teams, evolving mobile solutions, and intuitive UI/UX design.

Software Mind sp. z o.o. is a Polish software house providing modern IT products and services for companies in the telecommunications, finance, banking and energy sectors. In its research and development work, the company engages in the development of new technologies, conducting projects on semantic technologies or Web 3.0. The company is currently pursuing an ambitious plan to dynamically build a leading group on the Polish and global software house market together with the group’s strategic investor – Enterprise Investors.

The acquisition by Software Mind of 70% of shares in Virtual Mind is another step towards the implementation of this strategy. The company has already made several other acquisitions, including Valuelogic and Chmurowisko, which were executed with the support of KWKR.

We are glad that together with our team led by Michał Konieczny and Paulina Opiełka we had a chance to participate in this project. The goal of our legal help was to facilitate the entire process and help to reconcile the interests of multiple parties under Polish, American, Argentinian and English law – all in 4 different time zones. Our experts also took care of the tax aspects of the transaction. They also demonstrated thorough knowledge of corporate, contract and international law.

Software Mind, we have watched your growth from the very beginning, actively participating in your projects. We are very impressed with the progress you have made over the years. We know this is just the beginning of the journey for you, which makes us even more excited to see where it takes you. Virtual Mind, thank you for your kind and open cooperation! We hope to have the opportunity to work together on other exciting projects soon.


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