
KWKR advised Digital Ocean Ventures Starter in the process of forming a VC investment fund

Bogdan Setlak

KWKR Law Firm supported Digital Ocean Ventures Starter sp. z o.o. in the formation of a new Venture Capital investment fund under the PFR Starter 2.0 programme. The fund raised funding of PLN 45 million. 

Our services included support in negotiating an investor agreement with PFR Ventures and individual investors (LPs), as well as carrying out a number of legal and organisational activities to enable the signing and implementation of the agreement. As the fund is being formed under the PFR Starter 2.0 programme, the process involves additional formal and legal challenges arising from the programme rules and regulations related to the provision of state aid.

The fund, which raised funding of PLN 45 million after the second closing, will invest in early-stage companies. The fund’s main areas of investment interest include digital transformation supported by technologies such as AI and fintech.

The transaction was overseen by Paulina Opiełka, partner at KWKR with the support of associates Paweł Machowski, Katarzyna Jakubowska-Kaleta and junior associate Maciej Ziemiański.

KWKR Law Firm has once again proven its competence in effectively supporting complex investment projects, enabling the development of innovative companies on the Polish market.

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