
KWKR among the best Polish law firms according to Forbes

Kancelaria Prawna
Egzamin Radcowski

KWKR has been recognized in another esteemed legal ranking. This time our TMT department was listed as one of the “Best Law Firms in Poland in 2023”. The author of the ranking is the highly regarded Forbes  magazine. The list was constructed on the basis of recommendations given by professional lawyers and business clients of individual law firms.

KWKR on the Forbes list. The TMT division won recognition from experts

A few days ago, Forbes magazine published a list of the most recommended law firms in Poland. The list was prepared jointly with Statista, one of the leading representatives of statistics in the European and global market. This is the second edition of the nationwide ranking, which aims to identify the most recommended law firms in the country.

A total of 118 law firms from across the country were recognized in the list prepared by Forbes. Their list was based on recommendations given by lawyers working at the law firms, as well as their business clients (which included lawyers employed in the external structures of individual companies). A total of 1,468 entities participated in the online survey, conducted from September 26 to November 11, 2022. Their opinions made it possible to select a list of recommended law firms from various branches of law.

KWKR was also included in this elite group. The experts participating in the survey distinguished our TMT department. The ranking confirms the very high competence of our specialists, and their further development is possible through cooperation with our partners and clients.

Another award for KWKR

The TMT department at our law firm is headed by Łukasz Wieczorek,  an attorney and Equity Partner. The team is distinguished by its efficiency in providing legal assistance, as well as its individual and personalized approach to each client’s situation. The experience and qualifications of the entire team allow it to provide comprehensive legal services to clients in the new technology, IT and Telco industries.

Being included in the list of “Best Law Firms in 2023 in Poland” is a significant proof of the high quality of legal services provided by the entire team. It is worth remembering that this is not the only such award given to the TMT department in recent times. In March, it was also recognized in an international list prepared by the Chambers&Partners publishing house. We are proud that our work is appreciated in both the Polish and international legal community.

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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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