
KWKR lawyers will perform at AI Waves

Łukasz Wieczorek

Is it possible to create a precise definition of AI? To what extent does data quality affect artificial intelligence algorithms? Does the European Union correctly describe the current risks associated with AI? How might new regulations affect businesses? These and more questions will be attempted to be answered by our lawyers together with speakers from Miquido Sp. z o.o.

On 15 September 2021, our lawyers – partner and legal advisor Łukasz Wieczorek and associate Michał Barwicki – will be guests as speakers at the prestigious AI Waves event. It is a cyclical meeting dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. During the event, participants will discuss the practical and business aspects of applying AI solutions. The next meeting will be especially important for us due to the subject matter. The speakers will focus on the pioneering EU draft Artificial Intelligence Act. The project is of significant importance for the entire artificial intelligence market in Europe and due to its established scope, it will directly affect the activities of many entities of the new technology industry.

The meeting will consist of several stages. After the formalities, it will be time to present the issue. Then our lawyers will present and discuss the draft regulation. Afterward, a panel discussion is planned, combined with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

The event will take place remotely (online) and will be conducted in English; participation is free of charge. Registration for the event is via the link. Additional information, including profiles of the speakers and the scope of the topics, are available on Miquido’s profile.

We invite you to participate.


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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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