
KWKR with three distinctions in The Legal 500 ranking!

Bogdan Setlak

KWKR law firm has once again been recognised by an international group of experts. Three of our law firm’s teams have received prestigious distinctions from the researchers of The Legal 500 ranking. However, these are not all the successes we have had in this year’s edition of this ranking in the EMEA region.

Our law firm received distinctions in three categories. The authors of the ranking recognised our knowledge, skills and the quality of our services in the following categories:

  • TMT;
  • Private Equity;
  • Data privacy and data protection.

The property team was also identified as a department worth paying particular attention to in the coming months.

For our law firm, the recent team awards are not only proof of our professionalism, but also of the tremendous progress we are making. Each such award is a confirmation of our commitment and efficiency in handling ever larger and more complex transactions. We are glad that , our clients are constantly growing and developing, and that we can take care of the security of their business,” points out managing partner at KWKR, Marcin Wierzbicki.

Further awards give us wings and motivate us to continue to improve and provide services at the highest level. Already this year, the work of the TMT team has been recognised by researchers from another prestigious ranking, Chambers and Partners.

However, this is not the end of the good news. Anna Dąbrowska-Lipka, senior associate in the compliance department, has been awarded the title of Rising Star. “I have enjoyed immensely watching Anna’s development and her daily work. The fully deserved award she has received is an excellent showcase for our law firm. It is not only a confirmation of her excellent professional skills, but also a proof that in our firm every lawyer has a chance for exceptional development,” comments Mariusz Purgał, partner at KWKR and leader of the compliance practice.

KWKR’s success in the international legal ranking

The Legal 500 EMEA ranking is an annual legal plebiscite organised since 1991. Its aim is to identify the best law firms from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The ranking is constructed on the basis of information collected from individual law firms, as well as the opinions of their clients. This makes The Legal 500 ranking a reliable source of information for businesses seeking legal assistance.


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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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