
KWKR with three distinctions in the Legal 500 ranking

Bogdan Setlak

KWKR has been recognised in the prestigious international Legal 500 ranking, winning awards in three categories. In this year’s edition, the law firm was honoured in the areas of TMT , Data privacy and data protection and Private Equity

This is yet another year in which KWKR is listed in the Legal 500, confirming its position among the best law firms. We are particularly proud of our promotion in the TMT category, where we have raised our position from Tier 3 to Tier 2. This demonstrates the dynamic growth of our team and the high quality of the services we provide.

“The promotion in the TMT category is a great success and the result of the consistent work of our team. For us, it is a confirmation that we are building a strong brand on the legal services market in the area of new technologies and IT,” comments Michał Konieczny, KWKR’s managing partner.

This is not the only award we have received in recent days. KWKR Law Firm has also been recognised in the Chambers & Partners ranking for the third time in a row. In addition to the distinction for the law firm, individual distinctions in this prestigious ranking were also received by Łukasz Wieczorek (‘Up and Coming’ in the TMT category) and Łukasz Łanoszka (‘Up and Coming’ in the Real Estate category).

Legal 500 researchers also recognised the expertise of our experts. Anna Dąbrowska-Lipka was awarded the title of Leading Associate, which is further confirmation of the high level of expertise of our team.

“We are happy with each award, as each of them is the result of the commitment, passion and professionalism of our lawyers. It is a motivation to further raise standards and develop the law firm,” says Marcin Wierzbicki, KWKR’s managing partner.

Thank you for the trust of all our clients! It is thanks to you that we can constantly take on new challenges and continuously improve the level of our services.

What is the Legal 500 ranking?

The Legal 500 is one of the most reputable rankings of law firms in the world. It is created on the basis of detailed market research, client opinions and analyses of projects carried out by law firms. Its results are a valuable source of information for companies seeking the best legal advisers in various areas of law.

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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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