
KWKR’s legal assistance: co-investment between VC funds succeeded

Paulina Opiełka
Mateusz Sordyl

KWKR lawyers advised on the co-investment of two Venture Capital funds: WP2 Investments and SMOK Ventures. As a result of the cooperation a Polish fintech company specializing in the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes – Self Learning Solutions – received funding of PLN 4 million.

Self Learning Solutions has been operating on the Polish market for several years and thanks to the investment it plans to significantly intensify its activity. Obtained funds will accelerate the further development of the company. The project will help fully utilize the resources of the company, whose activity will contribute to the recognition of the Polish contribution to the AI industry in the world.

As part of legal services for WP2 Investments, our lawyers participated in negotiations and preparation of transaction documentation. Implementation of the order required from our experts specialized knowledge of the functioning of the investment market of Venture Capital funds.

WP2 Investments supports startups mainly in the early stages of their development, significantly contributing to the success of innovative projects. The fund helps not only financially, but also offers assistance in laying out a business strategy through which a startup can achieve success.


Congratulations to all the parties involved in the project on the efficient initiative. We keep our fingers crossed for the further success of the whole enterprise.


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