
Law Firm employees in this year’s business run

Izabela Ustymenko

Sun, water, and a charity run. What more could you want from Sunday in Cracow?

Employees of our law firm have agreed to take part in a four-kilometer run as part of the Cracow edition of the Poland Business Run 2021. This is not the first time we have taken part in this action, the aim of which is to support people in need.

This year we gathered at the Nowa Huta Reservoir. This picturesque place allowed us to spend a pleasant Sunday morning in the company of our colleagues. Running in the company of weather and greenery put us in a positive mood and motivated us to beat our records from last year.

We are extremely pleased with such initiatives, and we are proud that so many people from our company registered their participation. Some of them ran with their dogs, and others came to cheer us on with their children. Each involvement in the project made us happy, especially since the goal is a noble one.

We would love to thank all the people willing to actively help us. See you in the next edition!


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