We are proud to announce that The Law Firm Konieczny, Wierzbicki has been doubly appreciated this year in the international ranking of legal firms Legal500. We received honorable mentions in the categories TMT and Data Protection.
Among the achievements of our lawyers from the TMT department were: negotiations for a “unicorn” from Silicon Valley, preparation of a full set of tender documents related to the implementation and maintenance of a complex IT system, and advising a Polish IT company in establishing cooperation with one of the largest banks in Russia.
The second category in which we have been honored is data privacy. Our lawyers deserved: developing a set of rules to conduct a marketing campaign in several European countries, analyzing all data processes in an international group of companies, advising on the preparation and negotiation of an agreement between a polish company and a distributor from Indonesia.
We are delighted that our cooperation has been recognized in such a prestigious ranking. We would also like to thank you for the wonderful testimonials in which we were appreciated for our “Very high level of professionalism and customer focus”. We assure you that we will continue to take care of the high quality of our services.