Despite restrictions on the number of visitors and additional obligations to meet, tourism is slowly returning to favor. Certainly, the current situation does not allow for the complete abolition of restrictions, but even now tourists have some freedom to travel, and many facilities have reopened their doors to visitors.
Nevertheless, the pandemic has caused legislators to turn their attention to issues that did not previously exist on such a large scale. Among other things, they have aimed at the obligations and facilitation for entrepreneurs operating in the tourism industry. What happens in case of cancellation of mass events? When can you apply for additional financial assistance? Where to get funds from, and what formalities need to be fulfilled to obtain them?
Our specialist Magdalena Wielgosz wrote about the act of 30 December 2021 and what changes the document introduces in the tourism industry for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. We invite you to read the article!
Magdalena Wielgosz has experience in commercial contract law, civil litigation and enforcement, labor law, and compliance. As part of ongoing advisory services for our clients, she has prepared procedures for monitoring an entrepreneur’s financial liquidity, legal opinions on labor law (reducing employment costs of an employer in the era of the COVID-19 epidemic), insurance law (application of the Insurance Distribution Act to a courier company offering parcel insurance), contracts, regulations for the provision of electronic services and telework regulations.
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