
Łukasz Wieczorek on the use of artificial intelligence in the November issue of “CEE Legal Matters”

Marta Wierzba

The firm’s partner and head of the TMT department, Lukasz Wieczorek, spoke in the November issue of Cee Legal Matters magazine in a publication on the use of artificial intelligence. In his extensive outlook, our specialist presented the actual legal status that determines the use of AI in our country, its impact on the economy, as well as an assessment of the opportunities for the development of specific industries thanks to AI.

Status of AI in Poland and EU countries

According to publicly available research reports, Poland ranks 7th in terms of the number of experts working on AI projects in the European Union, while holding a leading position in the CEE region. On the other hand, the level of adoption of AI-based solutions by Polish companies is relatively disproportionate; yet the successful implementation of AI solutions in the Polish economy could contribute to a 2.65% annual GDP growth rate.

The lack of regulations on AI, blockchain or Big Data (with the exception of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and the proposed AI Liability Directive) discourages and deters entrepreneurs from using artificial intelligence; it is worth mentioning in this case that EU member states have not developed their own AI regulations either. Clearly defined regulations, on the other hand, would set a definite course of action and greatly accelerate the implementation of AI solutions in various sectors of the economy.

We encourage you to read the opinion of our expert; through it you will learn more about the details of the legal regulations conditioning the use of AI, as well as the prospects assuming the popularization of solutions based on artificial intelligence.

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