
Michał Czuryło recommended as Global Leader in Data Privacy & Protection 2022!

Patrycja Pancerz

We are proud to announce that the international ranking of Who’s Who Legal has chosen our data protection expert, Michał Czuryło, as a recommended leader in the Data Privacy & Protection 2022 category!


Michał coordinates the work of the team dealing with data protection and compliance issues. He has more than 12 years of experience, which he acquired both at the Law Firm and as an in-house lawyer in global corporations and a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. During that time, he had an opportunity to participate in projects related to adjusting entire organizations to the relevant legal regulations, supporting them in developing and implementing solutions guaranteeing compliance of business processes with legal requirements

Who’s Who Legal is a global ranking, compiling a list of lawyers in many fields since 1996. The site currently publishes information on legal advisers from more than 150 jurisdictions. The list is a reliable source of information for many entrepreneurs seeking legal assistance in such areas as data protection, M&A transactions, and intellectual property.

We are pleased that this year our specialist has been recognized and recommended by foreign researchers. Michał often conducts difficult cases related to the creation of appropriate internal procedures of a company. Thanks to him, companies can develop under Polish and European regulations. We congratulate our specialist and wish him further success in the future!


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