
Talkie.ai received 12.5 million from a Polish-Austrian consortium of VC funds

Kancelaria Prawna

The second round of funding brought Talkie.ai 12.5 million from a Polish-Austrian consortium of VC funds. Our specialists had the opportunity to advise NCBR Investment Fund ASI S.A. – which is a party to the transaction. The company will use the new funds to expand in the US and further develop automated customer service using artificial intelligence, mainly in the healthcare industry.

A brief history of the Polish startup

Talkie.ai was founded in 2018 as a spinoff of Pragmatists, a software house. The platform was built in response to the needs of the call center of a large chain of Jean Louis David hair salons, to automate the booking system. As it later turned out, 12 years of experience in developing software solutions was extremely useful in the early days of product development. Since then, Talkie.ai has become an independent company, nevertheless still drawing on the knowledge and experience of pragmatists.

In July 2020, the first round of funding helped the rapid and dynamic development; Talkie.ai was then able to start its expansion into western markets. The official launch in the USA at the beginning of 2021 was another milestone on the way to the current successes.  The solution that was developed by Pawel Lipinski, Ada Andruszkiewicz, and Wojciech Passing creates voicebots that achieve more than 90% accuracy in understanding caller intent after just the first 10 data samples. And proprietary, state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms provide a distinctive level of natural language understanding of the caller.

Millions invested in voicebots

Talkie.ai’s solutions are in line with current market trends (increasing labor costs or automation of simple business processes) and – thanks to the focus on the healthcare segment – hit the right market segment with the finished product. Also important is the established market presence of a major FinTech player – the USA. The second funding round in which the funds participated:

  • NCBR Investment Fund ASI S.A. (co-investment with 4growth VC),
  • Satus Venture,
  • FundingBox Deep Tech Fund,
  • Gateway Ventures – formerly primeCROWD,
  • Movens Capital,

will enable the further implementation of our client’s business strategy. Several law firms were involved in the transaction; in addition to KWKR, the parties were advised by LSW and LAWMORE. We are extremely proud to have made a significant contribution to the development of this revolutionary project. You can read about the details of this unique transaction on the MyCompany Polska website.

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