
Monika Macura one of the 50 most influential people in the financial sector in Poland

Paweł Syguła

The editorial staff of lonamagazine.pl awarded 50 most influential people of the financial sector in Poland. The final gala took place on 10 June in Wrocław.

It is with great pride and pleasure that we announce that one of the awarded people is Monika Macura, legal counsel, Partner of the firm, who specializes in FinTech, payment services, and banking.

We are delighted that our contribution to the development of lendtech in Poland and our professional legal services to the industry have been appreciated.  We also believe that thanks to our efforts consumers feel more confident when encountering issues in the lendtech industry.

Congratulations to all the awarded!

loanmagazine.pl promotes the idea of responsible lending. Loan Magazine Awards recognize the best companies, brands, and names in the field of non-bank financing. The award shows which companies provide technological solutions that allow companies representing the market to develop rapidly. Additionally, the event supports innovation, while maintaining the business ethics, of financial institutions.

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