News Page 14
- 28.01.2022
KWKR’s legal assistance: co-investment between VC funds succeeded
KWKR lawyers advised on the co-investment of two Venture Capital funds: WP2 Investments and SMOK Ventures. As a result of the cooperation a Polish…
Paulina OpiełkaMateusz Sordyl - 26.01.2022
KWKR on the team of the Group of Advisors on Artificial Intelligence (GRAI)
As a result of the EU project on defining the principles for the functioning of artificial intelligence in the European Union, Poland became interested…
Patrycja Pancerz - 25.01.2022
Google Analytics, Cookies and the transfer of personal data to the US – a dangerous combination?
Two decisions have recently resonated loudly: The Austrian supervisory authority (DSB). According to this decision, the use of Google Analytics on a website led…
Michał Czuryło - 21.01.2022
Coordination of the banking system for one of the largest banks in Poland
On 22 December 2021, a company represented by our Law Firm that specializes in providing IT solutions for the banking industry signed an agreement…
Aleksandra Lachowicz - 20.01.2022
Our lawyers for Forbes: The New Development Act. What’s changing for home buyers
The New Development Act will introduce many novelties to the legal order. One of them is the regulation of the conditions of concluding reservation…
Łukasz ŁanoszkaMarcelina Fąfara - 11.01.2022
KWKR lawyers on whistleblower protection for CEE Legal Matters
The new provisions on the draft Whistleblower Protection Act are essentially further obligations for businesses. In addition, failure to comply with them may result…
Mariusz PurgałMagdalena Wielgosz - 10.01.2022
Supreme Court once again on the side of borrowers
Consumers have something to be happy about. The Supreme Court, confirming the earlier ruling of the European Court of Justice, gave them an important…
Monika MacuraAnna Jędrasiak