News Page 18
- 13.10.2021
AI in legal terms
The date of the first artificial intelligence can be considered the early 1950s. It must have taken over sixty years for the first attempt…
Łukasz Wieczorek - 12.10.2021
Changing the rules of issuing bills of exchange by consumers
On 24 September 2021, the Act on amending the Act – Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2021,…
Paulina OpiełkaDawid Stalmach - 07.10.2021
Passing personal data across borders – new EU decisions
June 4, 2021. The European Commission has published two implementing decisions – No. 2021/915 and No. 2021/914 – containing two sets of new contractual…
Michał Czuryło - 06.10.2021
Ministry of justice restarts work on draft Anti-usury Act
On September 17, 2021, in the list of legislative works of the Council of Ministers was published information on work on a new draft…
Monika MacuraMichał Barwicki - 05.10.2021
Łukasz Wieczorek participates in another edition of IP Student
Disputes over IP rights are often very high-profile for various reasons. First of all, they can be very complicated, sometimes it even happens that…
Paweł Syguła - 04.10.2021
EDPS Opinion on the upcoming revision of the EU Consumer Credit Directive
In late August, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published an opinion on the European Commission’s draft Consumer Credit Directive. The EDPS saw that…
Monika MacuraMichał Barwicki - 01.10.2021
First penalties under the amended AML Act
On September 7, 2021, two notices regarding the imposition of administrative monetary penalties appeared on the website of the Ministry of Finance. These penalties…
Mariusz PurgałMagdalena Wielgosz