News Page 29
- 25.02.2021
Will the simplified restructuring procedure stay with us for longer?
The Polish Law of 19 June 2020 on Subsidies Concerning Interest on Bank Loans Advanced to Enterprises Affected by the Consequences of COVID-19 and…
Mariusz Purgał - 23.02.2021
Only 20% of e-stores have adjusted their terms and conditions to legal changes
On 1 January 2021, new regulations came into effect, forcing e-stores to make changes to their terms and conditions. The reason is the amendments…
Michał Czuryło - 22.02.2021
Council of Ministers adopts an AI development policy for Poland
The Polish Council of Ministers has adopted the Artificial Intelligence Development Policy for Poland From 2020 Onwards. The resolution adopted in December 2020 was…
Łukasz Wieczorek - 17.02.2021
Dematerialization of shares: consequences
The process of dematerializing shares in Poland, which was commenced in 2019, will soon come to an end. As of 1 March 2021, all…
Paulina Opiełka - 15.02.2021
Subsidies from a fund for SMEs to register trademarks and industrial designs
All enterprises that are registered in the EU and fall under the official definition of an SME may apply for financial support. The subsidies…
Łukasz Wieczorek - 13.02.2021
Consumer bankruptcy of a member of a company’s management board
Serving as a member of a company’s management board means not only a wide a range of powers. It also entails extensive liability, including…
Barbara Miziołek - 07.02.2021
Brexit and the changes on the borders
Border checks coming back and the obligation to file export and import declarations are some of the changes analyzed in the report drafted by…
Łukasz Wieczorek