Legal services for the IT sector

Contracts and law in IT. Support for entities involved in the development and commercialization of
innovative solutions and products. Securing the effects of clients' work from the side of the
appropriate organization of the conducted activity.

Łukasz Wieczorek
+48 517 851 868
Łukasz Wieczorek
Łukasz Wieczorek
+48 517 851 868

As part of our work, we design and develop contractual regulations regarding the transfer of rights to
products, licensing systems of various scopes, as well as the possibility of using products on other
terms, such as SaaS, use or lease of rights.

Law in IT

We develop contracts for IT solutions for each stage of software development and use; from
analyzes, through implementation, to software maintenance and development, in each work model
(agile, body leasing, etc.) or settlement of their implementation (fixed price, time & material, etc.).

We help to develop business and protect the interests of hundreds of entities from the modern
technology industry. Our team consists of experienced legal advisers specializing in the IT industry.
We provide legal assistance to it at every stage of business.

Contracts in IT

In our law firm, it is reviewed, created and constructed by a legal advisor specializing in issues. We
provide legal assistance to it for both startups and corporations. Our lawyers have prepared
thousands of pages of implementation contracts for companies from 5 continents.

Our law firm prepares IT contracts that relate to the transfer of rights to products, license systems
and the possibility of using them on the basis of use or lease of rights. In addition, we construct
contractual regulations appropriate to the various stages of creating and using software, as well as
their maintenance and development.


KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki i Partnerzy S.K.A. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Kącik 4, 30-549 Kraków.
Przetwarzamy Twoje dane wyłącznie w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na wiadomość przesłaną przez formularz kontaktowy i dalszej komunikacji (co stanowi nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes) – przez czas nie dłuższy niż konieczny do udzielenia Ci odpowiedzi, a potem przez okres przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń. Masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich kopii, sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w naszej Polityce Prywatności.

Rondo ONZ 1,

00-124 Warszawa

+48 12 3957161