
A company operating in the IT sector

Paweł Syguła

Our Law Firm provided legal services to the company, supporting it with respect to an innovative product: a complete package of cloud native software. The services consisted in developing a license and documentation model for a package of template agreements allowing for sharing (licensing) and servicing software as part of the process of its commercialization on the American and West European markets, considering the legal aspects of the American TMT market, the practices followed in the USA in terms of commercialization of IT products, and the consequences of the fact that the product functions in a cloud.

The project required paying particular attention to the technical aspects of an innovative product in the form of a complete package of cloud native software that integrates source technologies such as Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. Another important aspect was the need to investigate the nature of various open source licenses governing a number of open source components included in the product and the principles of their further dissemination. Our client is a pioneer in this area and we had to be ready for any and all potential problems and threats related to using this unique solution. The license agreement we drafted has allowed the company to distribute its product on a large scale.

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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki i Partnerzy S.K.A. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Kącik 4, 30-549 Kraków.
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+48 12 3957161
