
Analysis of the legal status of immovable property with assets worth more than EUR 1 billion

Patrycja Pancerz

Since 2017, Konieczny Wierzbicki has worked on an ongoing basis with a leading Dutch real estate fund particularly active in Poland, with assets worth over one billion EUR.

As an example, in recent months, we provided the fund with legal services regarding purchases of projects in the PRS (Private Rented Sector), including over 250 residental apartments in a newly built residential building in Warsaw.

We also provided the fund with legal services regarding the purchase and lease agreement of a 4* hotel in Kraków. We analyzed the legal status of the property through a due diligence process, bearing in mind the plans the client has for the building and obtaining all the necessary documents to make them possible. We designed the transaction structure, drafted and negotiated a preliminary agreement, the final sale contract, an assignment agreement, rental agreements, as well as a management contract with Leach&Lang. As our lawyers are always very involved in every project, they participated in inspections and drafted development reports for the client.

The project was finalized and the apartments within the building are now leased, so the client was extremely satisfied with our performance. Our lawyers also supported the client in negotiations with Nexity, a French property developer. The transaction concerned a purchase of nearly 130 apartments in the Praga quarter of Warsaw.


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