
Negotiating the lease of office space – in three stages – for the IT industry leader

Katarzyna Augustyniak

Our Law Firm provided services to an IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange that offers technological products for the hotel, telecommunications, and finance industries. The company’s innovative solutions are used by more than 300 million people in over 30 countries.

The technology implemented by our client is recognized in international contests, such as FinovateFall in New York, EFMA Digital and Mobile Excellence, or the European Business Awards.

In terms of this project we cooperated with international advisors from Colliers.

On behalf of the client, we negotiated and then executed a lease agreement concerning a space for the company’s head offices in Kraków, at the Podium Park, which is located at ul. Jana Pawła II 43.

In total, the agreement covered 18,000 m2 of office space, as well as additional storage rooms and car parks, all located in a newly built office complex. The premises were developed in three stages. The agreement also covered lease of temporary office space until the target premises were ready.

The total value of the agreement, including the costs of finishing works, exceeded EUR 10,000,000.

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