
Provision of services to the Scale Up Accelerator – the Foundation for Technological Entrepreneurship – the MIT Enterprise Forum Central & Eastern Europe acceleration program

Paweł Syguła

The Foundation is the organizer of the MIT EF CEE accelerator. The purpose of the accelerator is to develop start-ups operating in terms of IT technologies, financial services, medical solutions, life sciences, software, and the IoT.

Our services included:

  • supporting the Foundation in setting up the accelerator (drafting the terms and conditions and the agreements executed with participants);
  • drafting agreements with supporting partners and recipients of technologies (companies from the large enterprises sector, which will carry out pilot programs based on the given start-up’s solution in the given industry and may potentially implement the solution in their own operations);
  • incorporating companies for the originators of ideas, drafting non-disclosure agreements and agreements concerning intellectual property, advisory in terms of personal data protection requirements (drafting of the documentation necessary to adjust operations to GDPR requirements), drafting of agreements and terms and conditions concerning cooperation between start-ups, business partners and target clients;
  • legal advisory in terms of carrying out operations in terms of medical diagnostics and analysis, provision of medical services online, veterinary medicine, rehabilitation, software, IoT solutions, and environmental protection.
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