
Regular provision of services to a venture capital fund that commercializes new technologies

Katarzyna Augustyniak

A venture capital fund whose investment policy is focused on research projects, including support for innovations in start-ups and mature companies, entrusted our Law Firm with the provision of regular legal services with respect to its interests concerning a development program.

Our lawyers, Dawid Stalmach and Paulina Opiełka, attorney-at-law, handled the project in comprehensive manner. They carried out a due diligence review and inspected the correctness of spending public aid; drafted the investment agreement and supervised its performance, ensuring an investment exit;

and prepared the fund’s internal documents, including but not limited to the investment policy and the conflict avoidance policy, so that they complied with all of the applicable legal requirements. Dur to strict program requirements, the biggest challenge was negotiating with the grantor and the investors. However, our lawyers performed well in this respect, too.

The fund, which in its operations brings together academia and business, advising start-ups and enterprises that wish to commercialize new technologies, has been working with our Law Firm since 2018, consistently achieving its goals

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KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners Law Firm
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