
The dispute over the moon in Forbes: Blue Origin vs. NASA and SpaceX

Paweł Syguła

One of our experts, Kamil Dobrowolski, shared his opinion on the dispute between two bidders in the tender organized by NASA. What was the problem?

NASA has announced a tender for a new lunar lander. Both SpaceX and Blue Origin took part in the procedure. The tender was connected with the Artemis Program, which aims to send people to the Moon again. The case is all the more special because it would be the first mission to the Moon in which a woman would participate.

The entire article can be read on the Forbes.pl portal. We encourage you to click on the link. From the article, you can learn about the arguments of both sides and the decision of the United States Court of Federal Claims. In addition, our specialist in space law shared his observations on why the settlement raises so many emotions. We invite you to read it!


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