
Van der Vorm’s investment in Warsaw: effective assistance from our law firm

Łukasz Łanoszka
Marcelina Fąfara

The Real Property team advised a long-term client on the purchase of a package of residential units in Praga-Północ in central Warsaw. The transaction was successful, contributing to the expansion of the Van der Vorm investment fund’s portfolio.


During the implementation of the project for Van der Vorm, our lawyers conducted due diligence, participated in negotiations and signing of the agreement, and are currently supervising the completion of residential units. The investment fund purchased 55 apartments, 52 parking spaces, and 27 storerooms. The building is located in a very attractive location – in the very center of Warsaw, 200 meters from the metro line. The transaction is one of the largest projects undertaken for our client.

This transaction was exceptional for us due to numerous legal risks, therefore we developed a comprehensive strategy for our client. In turn, thanks to the competence and experience of our Real Property team and the closing of the transaction our client strengthened his position on the Warsaw real estate market. We are glad that we could help to realize such a beneficial investment for our client.


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Łukasz Lanoszka
Łukasz Łanoszka
+48 798 459 714
Marcelina Fąfara
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