
WEBINAR – Navigating potential cyber security risks and the paths to compliance in poland

Paweł Syguła

In recent years, organisations of all sizes operating in all sectors and markets have been targets of cybersecurity attacks. For their general counsel, knowing how to respond to these threats goes beyond knowledge of black-letter law. Knowing who to communicate with in the organisation, aligning legal with other functions, and finding practical and timely external advice are now more important than ever. And with the trend toward remote working, the risks businesses in all countries face are set to grow.

This webinar, brought to you by  Konieczny Wierzbicki Law Firm and The Legal 500 is designed to provide GCs with the essential knowledge on the practical steps that can be taken to mitigate, manage and overcome cyber incidents whilst also delivering relevant and practical insights on the current regulatory landscape.

Discussion points include:

  • Cybersecurity risks made more acute by the current disruption, including fraud and ransomware attacks, and the steps you need to take to deliver cyber and data security and operational resilience.
  • Mitigating and discussing the potential cyber risks – a board room priority.
  • Reacting to an incident – response co-ordination and reporting obligations.
  • Cybersecurity incidents from a data protection perspective.
  • Looking towards the future – incorporating the learnings from recent disruption into countermeasures and digital strategies going forward.
  • Organising resources to ensure your privacy program stays up and running.
  • Consequences of the breach from a criminal and civil law point of view.


Register for a webinar: Click HERE.


Michał Czuryło, Attorney-at-Law, Partner, Wierzbicki Kancelaria Radców Prawnych sp.p.
Michał specialises in personal data protection, compliance, new technologies law, intellectual property law, and administrative procedure. He provides advisory to both large international groups operating in Poland and abroad and start-ups implementing innovative ideas.

He has more than 12 years of experience, which he acquired both at the law firm and as an in-house lawyer in global corporations and a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. During that time, he had an opportunity to participate in projects related to adjusting entire organizations to the relevant legal regulations, supporting them in developing and implementing solutions guaranteeing compliance of business processes with legal requirements.

Mariusz Purgał, Attorney-at-Law, Restructuring Advisor, Konieczny, Wierzbicki Kancelaria Radców Prawnych sp.p.
Mariusz Purgał, specialises in legal and financial advisory in business, and especially in managing financial liquidity in extraordinary cases, including with the use of the instruments offered by bankruptcy and restructuring law. He also has extensive experience in corporate law, working with domestic and foreign clients as part of his daily practice.

He has been providing advisory to businesses (commercial companies and partnerships and sole proprietorships), receivers, and restructuring advisors. He has also advised large enterprises, including listed companies and international corporations with branches in Poland.

Radosław Stachowiak, CEO, Securitum
Radosław Stachowiak is CEO of  Securitum, the biggest Polish pentesting and cybersecurity company (400+ projects for European customers in 2020). He’s got MSc in computer science and worked 25 years in software development and cybersecurity sectors.

In years 2005-2017, before joining Securitum, helped as a SVP/COO to grow Software Mind/Ailleron, publicly traded software development company, from 20 to 500 employees. Over his whole career got chance to produce, deploy and now secure, software solutions for biggest institutions connecting deep technical background with business experience in EU and USA markets.


Register for a webinar: Click HERE.

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