Regulations on the content of the law were consulted for an exceptionally long time, despite the fact that the regulations have been in need of thorough revision for more than a dozen years. Decisions were made cautiously, as improper arrangements in the zoning acts could contribute to irreversible, damaging, and, above all, costly changes that local government budgets would not be able to cover.
For the benefit of investors…
The Integrated Investment Plan raises particular hopes among investors. In light of the new regulations, it would be a special type of local plan, adopted at the request of the investor by the municipal council; of course, after the necessary negotiations and the conclusion of an urban planning agreement. The said agreement, in turn, is to specify in detail the obligations of the parties, as well as the terms and conditions of investment implementation. The introduction of an integrated investment plan is intended to increase the transparency of agreements, concluded between the parties. It is worth emphasizing that this form of local plan will not be limited to residential development only.
…and also for local governments.
From the point of view of local governments, in turn, an important role is played by the repeal of the provisions on the study, as well as a local law act with a closed catalog of arrangements called a general plan. It is this document that will be binding both for local plans and when issuing zoning decisions. This is expected – among other things – to greatly facilitate the protection of environmentally valuable areas within a municipality, thus contributing to the comfort of its residents and the realization of the full potential of areas predisposed for investment.
The amendment also significantly strengthens public participation in the development of land, subject to the local government units concerned, and increases citizens’ access to data through a publicly available, free digital platform; we are talking about the Urban Register.
The simpler the better!
A key change for investors will be the simplification of the entire procedure, related to land development – the proposed changes are expected to speed up and unify the complex system and will not only be more consistent, but also more flexible. The vast majority of the law’s provisions will come into force 30 days after its promulgation, i.e. in late 2022 or early 2023. The previously mentioned Urban Register, on the other hand, will have to wait a bit longer, as it involves a lengthy process of digitizing planning documents. It is planned that citizens will gain access to it from 01.01.2026.
Soruce: Legalis.pl