
Konieczny Wierzbicki Law Firm supports Van der Vorm in another purchase of a package of apartments

Gabriela Górka

Our lawyers supported one of our regular clients, the Dutch fund Van der Vorm, in negotiations with Nexity, a French property developer. The transaction concerned a purchase of nearly 130 apartments in the Praga quarter of Warsaw. Following a successful conclusion of the negotiations, on Friday, 4 December, the fund executed a preliminary agreement with Nexity.

The agreement concerns a package of nearly 130 apartments in LaPraga. This is a new project developed in ul. Radzymińska in Warsaw. The proper course of the process was supervised by the members of the Law Firm’s Real Property Department. Marcin Wierzbicki, Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner, Łukasz Łanoszka, Attorney-at-Law and Partner, and Gabriela Górka, Attorney-at-Law has worked on a project.

Van der Vorm has been successfully working with our Law Firm for three years now. Since it entered the Polish real property market. On the Polish market, Van der Vorm is engaged in various property development projects. There are but not limited to those in the residential sector, primarily focusing on long-term lease, and, to a lesser extent, short-term lease, as well.

LaPraga is another large investment project carried out by the fund in cooperation with our Law Firm.

Congratulations to Van der Vorm and Nexity on successfully closing the deal.

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