
Our lawyers supported Ailleron in closing a PLN 111M deal

Monika Kapijas

Michał Konieczny, Managing Partner, Paulina Opiełka, Attorney-at-Law, and Monika Kapijas, Attorney-at-Law, provided Ailleron, a leading supplier of state-of-the-art technological products and services, with advisory in the course of preparations for an investment project and in negotiating the terms of the transaction.

Enterprise Investors, one of the largest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe, will invest PLN 111M in Software Mind by purchasing from Ailleron some of the existing shares for PLN 40M and providing a capital injection of PLN 71M.

As a result, the fund will hold 50.2% of the shares in Software Mind, with Ailleron retaining operational control over Software Mind.

According to Michał Konieczny, who led the Law Firm’s team on this project, “This transaction is an effect of everyday hard work done with a passion by the Ailleron and Software Mind team.”

We would like to congratulate Ailleron on the deal and we will keep our fingers crossed for the success of their future investment projects. Details of the transaction are available under the PORTFOLIO tab: Provision of legal services with respect to Enterprise Investors investing in Software Mind

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