
Starting business in Poland for Belorussians: a guide

Katarzyna Augustyniak

Are you planning to move your business from Belarus to Poland? Or maybe you would like to set up a company in the country of your western neighbors? Are you wondering how to relocate your employees to Poland? You will find answers to these and other questions in our comprehensive guide prepared for (future) Belorussian entrepreneurs whose business plans involve Poland.

Why is it a good idea to invest in Poland?

The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has shown that Polish economy is one of the most stable in the European Union. While most European countries recorded GDP decreases as high as 18.5% (Spain), with other countries, such as Croatia (14.9%), Hungary (14.5%), Greece (14%), Portugal (13.9%), and France (13.8%) also suffering, Poland’s GDP went down by only 8.9%. This was possible e.g. thanks to the strategy adopted by the government, which provides entrepreneurs with financial support as part of Anti-Crisis Shields.

What is more, legislative works are under way to introduce the so-called Estonian CIT. This attractive form of taxation of companies could become available as early as the beginning of 2021. The intention behind this is to make tax-related settlements as simple as possible and postpone the moment of collecting the tax until the company distributes profit. Naturally, this is just an option—entrepreneurs will be free to decide if they want to follow the old or the new rules. In the opinion of our foreign clients, this tax flexibility is an important element of doing business in Poland.

Our many years of experience in terms of providing services related to cross-border business clearly show that foreigners investing in Poland can build their business on solid foundations, such as legal protection and a democratic policy of the state. Foreigners, including Belorussians, may operate their business in any form, converting their income to any currency. There are no limitations as to investments or the amount of capital that may be transferred out of Poland.

Our support for your business in Poland

We provide effective assistance in terms of setting up a business in Poland. Our competences are regularly recognized in international rankings, such as Legal500 or Chambers, as well as on the domestic market (the ranking produced by the Rzeczpospolita daily). These rankings are prepared on the basis of analyzing law firms in terms of their activities in corporate law, IT, new technologies, provision of services to start-ups and companies, and in view of how dynamically these firms develop.

Our know-how allows us to develop an optimum plan of starting up a business in Poland and efficiently guide a client from outside of Poland (this can be any country of the world, including Belarus) through the process of launching any type of economic operations in Poland.

With our help, you can start your business from the scratch or, if you feel that you don’t have the time for that, buy a shelf company. These companies are already entered into the register of companies, have a tax identification number, but no trade history. This means that you can start business operations within a few days of telling us that you would like to buy a shelf company. So far, we have incorporated over 150 companies of this type, so we know how to implement this solution for you, as well.

Naturally, a shelf company is not the only option. When we learn about your expectations and the type of your existing or planned business, we will choose a form and structure of operations that will be cost-efficient and organizationally convenient.

We handle formalities and guide you through all of the regulations

Once your business is set up, we don’t leave you alone with it. We provide assistance in terms of all actions that will help you develop your operations. Opening a bank account, getting onto the white list of taxpayers, reporting to the Central Register of Beneficial Owners—we can handle all of this for you. We also help to solve issues related to importing or exporting goods and services.

We are a modern law firm, with a team of lawyers who adjust their services to the dynamically changing market situation and the digital world. We will guide you through the digitization of all back office processes: implementation of a qualified e-signature, organization of electronic circulation of documents, going digital with HR documentation, etc. This way, you can optimize the costs of your organization and, most of all, speed up its operations. Moving to online management is a necessity today, especially in the context of COVID-19 or the need to remotely contact some of the managers or members of the board staying outside of Poland.

Direction: Poland, or how to relocate employees from Belarus

Would you like to transfer employees or partners from Belarus to Poland? Or maybe you need a residence permit yourself? We have been working in this area for nearly ten years. We know the challenges faced every day be the people who want to employ foreigners in Poland, especially those from outside of the European Union. We know exactly how to plan the relocation process and handle the related administrative proceedings.

Thanks to extensive knowledge of immigration law and the issues related to relocation, we draft documents such as residence/work permits, including the so-called blue cards, as quickly as possible. With our help, you will also get business residence permits for your partners and the co-owners of your business. These documents are necessary to be able to do your business with no problems while staying in Poland. If you are planning to stay in Poland or another EU Member State for a longer time, we provide assistance in terms of becoming a citizen or a long-term resident.

Agreement templates in one place

You have set up your business, gone through all of the related formalities, and your Belorussian employees or partners have the required documents. But what about adjusting HR and administrative issues to Polish realities? We can prepare a set of document templates for you (in a number of languages).

A standard package contains:

– all types of contracts with personnel members (employment contracts, B2B agreements);

– regulations, representations, and other documents required under the Polish Labor Code;

– documents for business partners (terms and conditions, agreements for clients, contracts with suppliers of goods/services for your business, non-disclosure agreements, etc.).

We make sure that your brand is properly safeguarded

You have a great project on your mind and your company has an interesting and unique brand? We will help you develop a strategy of protecting your intellectual property rights and then implement specific measures:

– we will safeguard copyrights in contracts,

– we will register trademarks (with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland or the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)).

If your intellectual property rights are violated, we will take the relevant legal actions before courts, intellectual property protection authorities, and bodies that protect competition and consumers.

In contacts with clients that do not speak Polish, we mainly use English, but if necessary, we can communicate in other languages (e.g. Russian).

Are you interested? Write to kancelaria@kwkr.pl or contact one of our lawyers:

Łukasz Wieczorek, Legal Counselor

e-mail: lukasz.wieczorek@kwkr.pl | phone: 48 517 851 868

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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki i Partnerzy S.K.A. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Kącik 4, 30-549 Kraków.
Przetwarzamy Twoje dane wyłącznie w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na wiadomość przesłaną przez formularz kontaktowy i dalszej komunikacji (co stanowi nasz prawnie uzasadniony interes) – przez czas nie dłuższy niż konieczny do udzielenia Ci odpowiedzi, a potem przez okres przedawnienia ewentualnych roszczeń. Masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich kopii, sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w naszej Polityce Prywatności.

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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki i Partnerzy S.K.A. z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Kącik 4, 30-549 Kraków. Twoje dane będą przetwarzane w celu wysyłki naszego newslettera. Masz prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich kopii, sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w naszej Polityce Prywatności.


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